
Self-Portrait (2016), 2019
© 2019 Haskal Bruce All Rights Reserved

About HBF plus Design

Bruce Finkelstein practiced architecture for more than 35 years. His original firm, Brotman Finkelstein Architects evolved into HBF plus Architects as he moved the work from a mix of commercial, institutional, public, and large-scale residential development to mostly private residential projects. Bruce, now retired from full-time, full-service practice, maintains HBF plus Design for selected part-time work in architecture, design consultation, furniture & cabinet design, and architectural photography.

About Haskal Bruce Photographs

A career in architecture taught Bruce that many designers imagine a world different than the one in which we operate. They tend to prize abstraction free of modesty, ambiguity, and mess. Under the name Haskal Bruce, he now makes images that underline the stimulating things he sees where design and real life meet in ordinary and familiar surroundings — things available to enjoy every day just by noticing.